WebAward Judge Profile: Cesar A. Zevallos

Asix S.A.

- Economist from Universidad de Lima
- CEO & Founder of Asix an interactive media consultant company in Peru since 1993.
- Founder of the Red Científica Peruana RCP (Peruvian Scientific Network) the first peruvian ISP since 1993.
- Maybe the first Peruvian attending TED
- First in Peru to do an internet video conference using CUSeeme.
- Professor of the Multimedia Workshop course Universidad Peruana de Ciencia Aplicadas(UPC), also professor at the Master in Communications program with the course of Corporate Online Branding at Universidad de Lima.
- In 1994 -1996 professor for the multimedia workshop course at Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Infopuc
-President of the Innovation, Science and Technology Commission at the Lima´s Chamber of Commerce


Asix S.A.'s Website

Cesar A. Zevallos's Linked-In Page